Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Eleanor 100WC

As I strode to the house looking cautiously at the broken glass . Floor boards were torn up and the walls covered in revolting grime.The smell was damp and rotten Making my eyes water . I investigate more , most rooms are broken down.I walked into a  peculiar room with cob webs in the corners of the ceiling , photos were scattered all the floor I picked up a photo , it had a girl on it she was probably the same age as me but in the her face was scratched out. I felt a coldness in the atmosphere , there is a porcelain doll in the middle of the room with a chipped face . In the corner of my eye I notice a cupboard ,I tried to open it but it was locked . So I smashed the dolls head to find out the key was inside . I unlocked the cupboard and when I opened the cupboard , I found photos of someone who looks oddly familiar that someone was me !
                                  To be continued

1 comment:

  1. Hi Eleanor. You have used some really good vocabulary in beginning of your story - revolting, strode, cautiously. I think that you might have been learning about how to start a sentence with a connective - make sure that you have a main clause following the first part of the sentence (the reader is waiting for the rest of the sentence - “As I strode to the house, looking cautiously at the broken door, …). It is a rather spooky story that you have created by the choice of images.
    Well done for entering the 100 Word Challenge this week.
    Miss Willing, Team 100wc
    Huntingdon, England
